Pediatrician examining a young child in a doctor's office.

What to Expect on Your Child’s First Visit to Frisco Pediatrics

Pediatrician visits are an important part of maintaining your child’s health and wellness. And when it comes to entrusting your child’s health to a pediatric practice, few match the high level of care and expertise provided by Entirely Kids Pediatrics. 

In this guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about your initial appointment, providing key insights into preparing for the visit, what to expect, and valuable tips to ensure a smooth experience for both parent and child.

Understanding Pediatrics and Their Role

First things first, let’s get a handle on the concept of pediatrics. 

A pediatrician is a doctor who specializes in the health care of infants, children, and adolescents. They handle everything from preventive health care to the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. At Entirely Kids Pediatrics, you’ll find a team of compassionate and experienced personnel ready to safeguard your child’s health.

Preparing for Your Appointment at Entirely Kids Pediatrics

Preparation is key to a stress-free initial visit. Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Documentation: Bring along your child’s immunization records, and any medical history documents you have. It helps the pediatrician have a full view of your child’s health history.
  2. Questions: Write down any questions or concerns you might have about your child’s health. It’s easy to forget them during the actual appointment.
  3. Insurance: Ensure you bring along your insurance card if you have one. The clinic staff will help you understand the coverage.
  4. Scheduling: Try to schedule the appointment at a time when your child is usually well-rested and fed to minimize discomfort and fussiness.

What to Expect During the Appointment

Your child’s first visit to Entirely Kids Pediatrics guide would be incomplete without a clear idea of what happens during the actual visit.


Upon arrival, the first step will be the check-in process. The welcoming front desk staff will assist you in filling out any necessary paperwork. This will typically involve providing details like your child’s name, date of birth, address, emergency contact information, and insurance information. If it’s your first visit, you may also be asked to fill out a detailed medical history form.

Vital Signs Check

After the check-in, a trained nurse or medical assistant will conduct a basic health check. This includes measuring and recording your child’s weight and height to track their growth over time. They’ll also take the temperature to ensure your child doesn’t have a fever and may measure blood pressure. For infants, head circumference might be measured too, as it’s an important indicator of brain development.

Medical History Review

The pediatrician will then go over the details provided in your child’s medical history form. They’ll discuss your child’s birth history, any past hospitalizations or surgeries, allergies, current medications, and family history of diseases. This is also the time when you can bring up any specific concerns or observations about your child’s health and behavior. The more information you provide, the better the pediatrician can understand your child’s health.

Physical Examination

Next comes the physical examination, which is a thorough check of your child’s body. The doctor will examine the skin for any unusual rashes or moles, listen to the heart and lungs for any abnormal sounds using a stethoscope, and inspect the abdomen for any tenderness or lumps. They’ll also check the eyes for good vision and signs of disease, examine the ears for infections, and look in the throat for any tonsil issues or throat infections. 

For infants, the doctor might also check the fontanel (soft spot on the head) and the hips to ensure everything is developing well.

Discussion and Guidance

After the examination, the pediatrician will discuss their observations with you. If there are any issues, they’ll explain them to you and discuss possible next steps or treatment options. They will also give guidance on how to improve or maintain your child’s health. 

This might include advice on nutrition, such as what foods to incorporate into your child’s diet and portion sizes; safety tips like childproofing your home; sleep, including ideal sleep hours and habits; and information on developmental milestones, which are skills or behaviors that most children can do by a certain age.

Remember, the aim of this visit is not just to identify potential health issues, but also to guide you on how to optimize your child’s health and development. It’s a great opportunity to ask any questions or voice any concerns, so don’t hesitate to make the most of it.

Entirely Kids Pediatrics Visit Tips for Parents and Children

Here are some additional tips to make the visit go smoothly:

  1. Prepare Your Child: Talk to your child about the visit in a positive light. Reading a story about a character going to the doctor can also be helpful.
  2. Comforting Items: If your child has a favorite toy or blanket, bring it along for comfort.
  3. Be Open and Honest: Be honest with the pediatrician about any concerns or issues. Remember, they’re there to help.
  4. Take Notes: It’s a good idea to jot down any advice or instructions given by the pediatrician. 
  5. Be Patient: Remember, it’s okay if your child is a bit fussy. The staff at Entirely Kids Pediatrics are experienced in making children feel comfortable and secure.

Preparing for your appointment at Entirely Kids Pediatrics doesn’t have to be stressful. Armed with this guide and the right attitude, you and your child will navigate the initial visit with ease. Remember, this visit is the first step in ensuring a healthy future for your child. 

At Entirely Kids Pediatrics, we believe it’s our mission to provide the best possible care for your child in a compassionate and friendly environment. Don’t wait for sickness to strike. Ensure your child’s health is always in top form. Call us at 469-425-3600 to schedule your child’s appointment today. Let us be your partners in nurturing a healthy future for your child.