A young girl opens her mouth wide for a throat examination by a healthcare professional.

Why Do Frisco Kids Get Sore Throats Often?

If you’re a parent in Frisco, Texas, you’ve likely noticed your kids seem to get sore throats all the time. Sore throats are one of the most common reasons kids visit their pediatricians and miss school. 

But why do Frisco kids seem so prone to this pesky symptom?

As pediatricians at Entirely Kids Pediatrics serving families in Frisco, we see tons of sore throats. Here’s some insight into why they’re so common and what you can do to find relief.

Reasons for Frequent Sore Throats in Frisco Kids

There are a few key reasons sore throats are rampant among local kids:

  • Weather Changes – Frisco is prone to rapid weather shifts from very hot to very cold. These extreme temperature fluctuations can irritate throat tissues and make kids prone to soreness. The dry air that comes with Texas cold fronts doesn’t help either.
  • Allergies – Allergies are a huge issue for North Texas kids. Postnasal drip from indoor and outdoor allergies like pollen, dust, and pet dander can cause scratchy, sore throats in kids.
  • Infections – Various viral and bacterial infections can cause sore throats in kids. Some common culprits are strep throat, tonsillitis, common colds, and the flu. Frisco’s schools and daycares make transmission easy.
  • Irritants – Things like smoke from wildfires, chlorine from swimming, and sharing drinks or utensils can irritate kids’ throats and cause pain. These irritants are hard to avoid.
  • Overuse – Lots of kids in Frisco have busy schedules filled with sports, singing, yelling on the playground, and other activities that overwork the throat muscles and make them hurt. 

Between the climate, high pollen counts, crowded classrooms, and overbooked schedules, it’s no wonder Frisco kids get so many sore throats!

Preventing Sore Throats in Frisco Kids

While we can’t eliminate sore throats entirely, we can take some steps to reduce their frequency and severity:

  • Stay hydrated – Keep kids drinking plenty of water to keep throat tissues moisturized. Avoid irritants like juice, soda, and caffeine.
  • Use a humidifier – Running a humidifier at home and in your child’s bedroom can add moisture to dry indoor air and prevent throat irritation.
  • Limit exposure to allergens – Keep windows closed during high pollen times, vacuum and change HVAC filters regularly, and consider allergy testing.
  • Practice good hygiene – Have kids wash hands frequently, cough into sleeves, and avoid sharing cups and utensils.
  • Avoid smoke and chemicals – Stay indoors when wildfire smoke is high. Limit chlorine exposure with breaks during swimming.
  • Rest the voice – Have kids take vocal rests if they’ve been yelling or singing a lot.
  • Consider immunity boosts – Discuss vitamin C, zinc lozenges, probiotics, and elderberry with your pediatrician.

With some diligent prevention measures, you can help reduce the number of sore throats plaguing your family.

Treating Sore Throats in Frisco Kids

When sore throats hit, here are some effective remedies:

  • Warm liquids – Sipping warm broth, tea, or water can help soothe throat pain. Add honey for extra relief.
  • Salt water gargles – For older kids, gargling with warm salty water can reduce swelling and irritation.
  • Popsicles and ice – For younger kids, sucking on cold popsicles or ice chips numbs the throat temporarily.
  • Cough drops – Luden’s and other brands make kid-friendly medicated throat drops.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers – Children’s ibuprofen or acetaminophen helps reduce throat pain.
  • Rest – Ensure kids get plenty of rest and don’t overuse voices.
  • Humidifier – Running a humidifier in your child’s room can prevent nighttime throat discomfort.
  • Follow medical advice – If prescribed, make sure kids finish antibiotics fully to treat bacterial infections like strep.

Call our office at Baylor Frisco if sore throat symptoms linger more than a few days or are accompanied by fever, pus, rash, or severe pain. These may be signs of strep, tonsillitis, or mono requiring medical treatment.

When to See a Pediatrician for Sore Throats

While most sore throats resolve on their own, it’s important to have your Frisco pediatrician evaluate these cases:

  • Sore throat lasting over a week without improvement
  • Extreme throat pain that makes swallowing difficult
  • Pus on the tonsils or throat
  • Rash or swollen lymph nodes along with sore throat
  • Fever over 101°F
  • Fatigue, body aches, stomach pain with sore throat (could be mono)
  • Exposure to strep throat (call us for rapid test)
  • Hoarse, muffled voice lasting over two weeks

Spotting more serious conditions like strep throat early helps prevent complications like sinus infections or swollen tonsils. Your Entirely Kids pediatrician can swab for strep and mono and prescribe antibiotics if needed.

Frisco Pediatrician Help Prevent and Treat Sore Throats

Entirely Kids Pediatrics, located in Frisco and affiliated with Baylor Medical Center, focuses on comprehensive pediatric care for children from birth to 18 years old. The practice, led by Dr. Danielle Leung, a board-certified pediatrician, aims to create a comfortable and trusting environment for both parents and children. 

We offer a range of services including newborn care, same-day appointments for sick visits, well-child visits, and immunizations. Dr. Leung emphasizes the importance of preventative care and exams to ensure children grow up healthy and happy.

Get Answers and Expert Pediatric Care

If your child frequently suffers from sore throats that disrupt their health and daily life, our pediatrician at Entirely Kids Pediatrics can help. Contact us today at 469-425-3600 to schedule an appointment and get answers.

At Entirely Kids Pediatrics, we provide compassionate care and work closely with you to find solutions. We’ll create a treatment plan to help prevent and relieve your child’s sore throats so they can feel their best. Don’t let frequent sore throats negatively impact your child’s health and quality of life.