Summertime Safety Tips for Fun in The Sun

Summertime Safety Tips

With summertime just around the corner, here are some important things to remember as the temperatures rise & the days get longer to keep you and your family healthy & happy!

  • Hydrate continually and always bring water with you while on the go
  • Sun Protection means applying sun screen throughout the day, and wearing sunglasses & hats while enjoying the outdoors
  • Water Safety is extremely critical while hanging around the pool, visiting a nearby lake, and even when vacationing to the beach! Proper supervision, life jackets, and knowledge of currents & under tows, can save lives!
  • Staying active in the summer is easiest during the cooler times of the day such as early morning & late evening. Indoor play & exercise locations are on the rise and water parks are family favorites too! Whatever form of activity you choose, stay active by exploring new areas of adventure with your family this summer!
  • Swimmer’s Ear is an irritating occurrence that can happen to anyone! Simply applying ear drops after each dip this summer can help avoid it!
  • Summertime is unfortunately insect time! Don’t forget to be prepared when heading outdoors for camping, picnics, backyard parties, and more! Simply applying insect repellents, and/or applying essential oils such as: tea tree, lavender, lemongrass, eucalyptus, & citronella can be very effective in keeping bites away!


Summertime Safety Tips, Summertime Safety Tips Frisco tx