Nutritional Tips For Frisco Families During The Texas Summer

It’s summertime, and school is out. What does this mean for kids? A lot of chill time and spending time with the family, no doubt. However, we, as pediatricians, often see this time as one of noticeable weight gain in some children. Why? Texas summer heat tends to keep a lot of children indoors and inactive, as well as drive us to indulge in more high-sugar sweets like ice cream and thirst quenchers such as sodas and lemonade. Family cookouts often make way for foods high in calories, sodium, and fat, like hamburgers and hot dogs. Therefore, even though summertime is usually time for fun and relaxation, we still encourage parents to be cognizant of their children’s nutritional intake.Here are some nutritional tips.

Nutritional Tips for Texas Summer

Watch out for the sweets

Sweets are not completely discouraged – we definitely don’t want to take away the fun of an ice cream treat or a nice glass of lemonade when it’s so hot outside! Just remember to limit serving sizes and to encourage adequate physical activity in order to burn off those calories! Consider offering frozen yogurt, “light” ice creams, fruit popsicles or homemade popsicles as alternatives; frozen fruit can be yummy to munch on as a healthy snack as well (frozen grapes are actually quite good)!

In the sweltering heat, water itself probably isn’t as attractive as something tasty like some ice-cold lemonade, iced tea or fruit juice. Once again, moderation is key, especially with all the sugar that goes into making the first two taste so yummy. Consider flavoring water with fresh fruits like orange slices or berries. Watermelon is also a great thirst quencher (it’s >90% water) and low in sugar too!


Frisco tx nutritional tips, nutrition frisco tx, kids nutrition frsco tx

From the grill

Family cookouts are fun and sometimes frequent during the summertime, especially when we have Father’s Day and Independence Day coming up! Beware though, of our two all-time grilled favorites – hamburgers and hot dogs, as they can potentially pack on quite a bit of sodium, fat and cholesterol. If you make your own burger patties, consider using leaner ground beef or mixing ground beef with some ground turkey to cut down on the fat. Veggie patties on whole-wheat buns are another healthier option. Switch things up a bit with grilled chicken breasts with a teriyaki sauce or cajun seasoning to boost the flavor a bit. Throw in some grilled veggies – zucchini, onions, bell peppers – they taste great with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Grilled pineapple is amazing too!

Movie time

Your children may be watching a few more movies in the summertime than usual, since movie theaters usually have great air conditioning and many children’s movies do get released in the summer! Who doesn’t like to munch on some buttery popcorn while watching the latest new release? Be mindful though, of the calories contained in those movie theater popcorns – if you get one of those big buckets, make sure the kids share; otherwise, buy smaller sizes for each child. Having movie night at home? Pop your own popcorn! And dress it with whatever flavorings you so desire – a butter and honey drizzle, parmesan cheese, garlic powder, a little bit of sea salt and caramel…the possibilities are endless!

Remember if your child needs to see a pediatrician we offer same day appointments.

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