Helping Your Child With ADHD

Child with (ADHD) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  can be quite challenging at times for you and your child, but it is a disorder that you can help manage. With the right strategies and attitude towards ADHD, you can make life easier for both of you.

ADHD affects children from all walks of life and Frisco, TX children are no exception.

Tips for Child with ADHD

Be positive.

The first thing to keep in mind is that most of the time, it’s not intentional when your child misbehaves. It is part of the disorder and keeping yourself positive will help you calm them down and stay focused. Instead of stressing over the small things that they did not do, praise them for the tasks that they have accomplished. Reminding yourself of the unique and valuable attributes of your child instead of setting up high expectations will give you both a sound mind to face the challenges that ADHD brings.

Create a structure for him/her to follow

A child with ADHD has difficulty in planning ahead, organizing things, keeping focused, and finishing tasks. To help them accomplish tasks, you have to set up routines that they can familiarize in the long run. Tasks that occur in predictable patterns that they can do in predictable places will give them a higher chance of completing them.

Make simple rules

Set up schedules for mealtime, schoolwork, playtime, and sleep and make sure that you stick to it. Consistency is important for children, especially those with ADHD, as they often do not adapt to change as well. Make them perform simple tasks such as preparing their school books and putting them in a place where they can easily pick them up the next day. It is important to keep everything as simple as possible. Also keep your home neat and tidy to reduce your child’s distractions.

Praise your child

Positive reinforcement will improve your child’s attitude and concentration while helping them control their impulsive behavior. After your child has shown good behavior, praise them. To keep this going, make sure that you set up rules that are as clear and concise as possible so your child is able to follow them with ease.

Consider consequences for misbehavior

When they show negative behavior, try to limit your negative response as well. Instead, follow through with consequences, making sure that they understand what they did and why they have to face those consequences. Time-outs and removal of privileges can be used, and remove your child from environments that trigger misbehavior.

Ensure sufficient sleep

Lack of sleep decreases a child’s attention span and memory retention, making them cranky and irritable at the same time. Make sure that your child gets sufficient and consistent sleep to help reduce their attention problem. Create a calming bedtime routine. Limit their screen time such as watching television and playing video games, and remove caffeine and sugar from your child’s diet.

Get them involved in exercise

Encourage your child to be involved in physical activities too, as it decreases anxiety, increases attention, and improves mood and sleep. Team sports can also teach your child to build friendships with other children and practice self-discipline.

Medication management

Behavior modification as discussed above is usually the first line of recommendation in managing a child with ADHD. Medication is not always necessary, but can be a useful adjunct to behavior modification in order to help a child perform better, particularly in an academic setting. Many parents hesitate at the thought of medicating their child, especially with regards to the possible side effects. These are valid concerns, but newer formulations of these medications, in addition to proper accommodations, may offer a lower prevalence of some of these effects. Oftentimes, the benefits that medication provides in helping the child succeed tends to outweigh associated risks. Parents are encouraged to discuss medication options with their child’s medical provider if symptoms do not seem to improve on behavior modification management alone. Medication therapy can be customized based on the spectrum and severity of symptoms and side effects.

Additional information may be found in the following articles:

Our Frisco Pediatrician’s office specializes in helping children with ADHD. We are happy to schedule an appointment with you to discuss your child and the challenges you are facing.