Healthy Holiday Travels: Entirely Kids Pediatrics’ Guide to Staying Healthy on the Go

Healthy Holiday Travels: Entirely Kids Pediatrics’ Guide to Staying Healthy on the Go

Traveling during the holidays can be an exciting adventure for the whole family. However, keeping your kids healthy during these trips is crucial, especially in unfamiliar environments. At Entirely Kids Pediatrics, we understand the importance of maintaining your child’s health on the go. 

Here’s our guide to ensure your little ones stay healthy and happy during your holiday travels.

1. Prioritize Vaccinations and Regular Check-ups

Before boarding on your holiday journey, it’s essential to ensure your child’s health is safeguarded against common and travel-related illnesses. At Entirely Kids Pediatrics, we emphasize the importance of being up-to-date with vaccinations, which are crucial for protecting against diseases that are more prevalent or pose a higher risk in certain travel destinations. 

Our vaccination services are comprehensive, covering everything from routine childhood vaccines to travel-specific immunizations. Additionally, a pre-travel check-up can help address any health concerns and provide peace of mind. During these visits, we also focus on preventive care, offering advice on travel health safety and addressing any specific medical needs your child may have.

2. Managing Allergies and Asthma

Traveling can bring your child into contact with new triggers that could exacerbate allergy and asthma symptoms. At Entirely Kids Pediatrics, we understand the importance of managing these conditions proactively, especially when traveling. Our allergy and asthma management include developing personalized action plans that cater to your child’s specific needs. 

We also recommend carrying a travel health kit containing essential medications, like antihistamines or inhalers, and a copy of your child’s allergy action plan. Our goal is to ensure that your child can enjoy the holiday without worrying about unexpected allergy or asthma flare-ups.

3. Eating Healthy and Staying Hydrated

Maintaining a nutritious diet and proper hydration is important, especially when traveling. Changes in routine and the temptation of less healthy food options can disrupt your child’s eating habits. At Entirely Kids Pediatrics, we advocate for a balanced diet even on vacation: 

  • Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Get tailored nutritional advice for your journey.
  • Encourage regular water intake, especially during air travel or in warmer climates. Consider packing a reusable water bottle.
  • Opt for water or milk to maintain energy levels and overall health.

4. Keeping Up with Routine

Maintaining a familiar routine is especially important for children when they are away from home. This includes consistent meal times, sleep schedules, and even downtime. Also, consider bringing familiar items from home, like a favorite toy or blanket, to provide comfort and a sense of normalcy. For children with specific routines such as those with ADHD, maintaining a structured schedule can be crucial in managing their symptoms. 

5. Preparing a Travel Health Kit

A well-prepared travel health kit is essential for addressing minor injuries and illnesses on the go. 

Travel Health Kit Essentials for Children

  • Band-aids, antiseptic wipes, gauze, adhesive tape
  • Children’s pain and fever relievers
  • Allergy medication, motion sickness medication
  • Prescription medications with a copy of the prescription
  • Sunscreen suitable for children
  • Insect repellent, aloe vera gel
  • Digital thermometer, hand sanitizer
  • Medical history summary, insurance information
  • Contact information for Entirely Kids Pediatrics

6. Safe and Fun Activities

When traveling, choosing activities that are both fun and safe for children is key. Research the safety standards and age recommendations for activities beforehand. For instance, if you’re going to the beach, check for lifeguard presence and water safety measures. When engaging in outdoor activities like hiking or skiing, ensure your child is equipped with the right gear, such as helmets, knee pads, or life jackets. 

At Entirely Kids Pediatrics, we encourage parents to balance fun with safety and can provide advice on how to assess activities for potential risks.

7. Telemedicine Consultations

If you need medical advice while away, Entirely Kids Pediatrics offers telemedicine consultations. This is particularly useful if you’re traveling and need medical advice or have concerns about your child’s health. This way, you can get professional advice no matter where you are.

8. COVID-19 Precautions

Before traveling, check the latest COVID-19 rates and restrictions at your destination. Some places might have specific quarantine rules, testing requirements, or mask mandates. Staying informed helps you prepare accordingly and ensures compliance with local guidelines.

Continue to follow COVID-19 safety measures such as wearing masks, using hand sanitizers, and social distancing.

Final Thoughts

Traveling with kids can be a delightful experience with the right preparations. At Entirely Kids Pediatrics, we are dedicated to ensuring your children’s health and well-being during your holiday travels. For more tips or to schedule an appointment before your trip, call us at 469-425-3600