Newborn baby sleeping peacefully on a white knit blanket

Essential Newborn Care Tips for Parents in Frisco

Bringing home your precious newborn baby is one of life’s most joyful moments. But it can also feel scary navigating the first few weeks of caring for this tiny, fragile life. If you’re an expecting or new parent living in Frisco, Texas, read on for essential newborn care tips from Entirely Kids Pediatrics to set you and your little one up for health and happiness.

Feed on Demand

In the early days and weeks after birth, newborns need to eat frequently. Expect your baby to need 8-12 feedings or more per day in the first month. Breastfeeding or bottle feeding, follow your newborn’s cues for when they’re hungry rather than sticking to a strict schedule. Crying, moving mouth and tongue, and putting hands or fists to mouth often signal hunger.

  • Hold your baby close in a comfortable, upright position when feeding
  • Allow them to eat from one breast or finish one bottle at a time
  • Burp halfway through and after each feeding
  • Spitting up small amounts is normal, but large vomits may indicate an issue to bring up with your pediatrician

Nail Diapering Duty

You will change countless tiny diapers in the first year. Prepare by stocking up on soft, gentle diapers and wipes. For girls, wipe front to back when changing diapers to avoid contaminating the vagina and urethra with bacteria from the rectum. 

Change wet and soiled diapers promptly to avoid rashes. Clean the diaper area thoroughly, using a fresh wipe each stroke. Allow the area to air dry before re-diapering if possible. Apply diaper cream or petroleum jelly as a preventive barrier if needed.

Clothe Comfortably

Newborns have sensitive skin that loses heat easily. Dress your baby in breathable onesies and sleepers, often one more layer than you’re wearing. Many parents also love the ease of kimono-style shirts and gowns for the frequent diaper changes. 

Use natural fabrics like cotton whenever possible. Swaddle your newborn during naps and nighttime to recreate the snugness of the womb, stopping once your baby shows signs of trying to roll over.

Practice Safe Sleeping

The AAP advises that baby’s safest sleep is alone, on their back, and in a crib or bassinet without any blankets, bumpers, or other objects that could pose suffocation or entrapment risks in the first year. Adjusting sleeping arrangements to align with these guidelines could save your baby’s life. Your Frisco pediatrician can address any concerns and help troubleshoot if you’re struggling with implementing safe sleep practices.

Get Check Ups

Health issues that may seem minor to an adult can quickly become dangerous for a fragile baby. Newborns see their pediatrician for a thorough exam at around 3-5 days old. This critical appointment checks weight, a full body exam, and screens for any problems requiring treatment like jaundice or signs of infection.

Regular well child checkups continue on schedule in the first two years for evaluating development, providing needed immunizations, and detecting potential delays or illnesses early on when often easiest to treat. Your Entirely Kids pediatrician partners closely with you through the highs and hard moments raising your child.

Notice Skin, Eyes, and Urine Output

Inspect your newborn’s skin head to toe each day for new rashes, lesions, color changes or swelling. Report anything abnormal or persistent to your pediatrician. Clear or white mucous discharge from the eyes is expected in the first month. But yellow, green or copious discharge could indicate infection requiring antibiotic eye drops.

Expect 5-6 thoroughly soaked disposable diapers per day indicating healthy hydration and kidney function. Urine should be pale to clear; pink, red, or dark brown urine warrants a call to your pediatrician right away for assessment.

Handle with Care 

  • Always support head and neck when holding your newborn
  • Limit visitors and handling by others when immunity develops
  • Wash hands before contact and avoid kissing newborns to limit germ exposure
  • Never leave newborn alone on high surfaces due to fall danger

While rewarding, parenting a newborn feels overwhelming at times for everyone. Talk to your Entirely Kids pediatrician about any concerns over your baby’s health, development, feeding, sleeping or your own adjustment. You’ve got a whole team of pediatric experts caring for your child already.

Call us at 469-425-3600 with any pressing newborn care questions or to book your baby’s newborn or well child visit. Our doctor serves families across Frisco and surrounding north Texas, delivering compassionate, evidence-based care your child deserves. Let us support you in giving your newborn the healthiest, happiest start in life!